The development of ash glaze from agricultural residues utilization among in Buriram province
อุษณีย์ มาลี
The purposes of this research were to 1) Study the utilization of agricultural residues in Buriram Province. 2) The development of ash glaze from the utilization of rubber tree to produce ceramic glaze is studied. The glaze consists of 3 major raw materials: rubber tree ash, Local clays and feldspar. Glaze formulae for 1250°c firing temperature and determined using tri-axial blend method. These mixtures are then calculated for find suitable percentage of mixtures of raw materials. The glaze colors appear after 1,250 degrees Celsius, vary from yellow to brown depends on the amount of added ash and clay. In the oxidation atmosphere: yellow to brown, in the reduction atmosphere: colors that appear green and green out of cream. In this study the appropriate amount of rubber tree ash for glazing on decorative were is between 40%, clay 20% and 40%. The rubber ash glaze can be used on decorative ware.
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