Guidelines to improve of educational guidance entering Sisaket Rajabhat University.
นายเทวา ขันติวงษ์1*
The purposes of this study for educational guidance services in Sisaket Rajabhat University are 1) to study the status of educational guidance services in the university focusing on service processes, communications, public relations, officer services and performance evaluation 2) to study the development guidelines of the services. A sample population isteacher guidance secondary schools, Sisaket Province. Questionnaire, frequency, percentage, average and standard derivation are analysis tool in this research.1.Considering on the status for educational guidance services in Sisaket Rajabhat University found that most of the sample are female 83.30 percentage, 37 percentage having working experience more than 20 years, 50.70 percentage graduated in master’s degree and 55.10 percentage having experience for educational guidance. Data analysis in 4 sides are highest level for service processes, communication for public relations, office servicesand performance evaluation: communication for public relations is the highest level on instantly communication with interested group, the office service is high on willingness and enthusiasm in service and providing educational guidance services and the least level is the performance evaluation. 2.The development guideline for educational guidance services found that it should have One Stop Service system for enrollmentpayment, onlineregistration, onlinechannel for contact and communication and on-site for educational guidance services in level of faculty and program.
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