แนวทางการพัฒนาบุคลากรสายสนับสนุนให้สามารถตอบสนองต่อการทำงานยุคดิจิทัล กรณีศึกษา คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


  • วริศรา อัมพุช มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


Guidelines for Developing, Support Personnel, Digital Era


This research aims to study the problems and obstacles of working in the digital age and to study personnel development guidelines to be able to respond to working in the digital age as support personnel in the Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University. It is qualitative research. Five informants gathered data by interviewing. Research instrument was a structured interview and analyzing the data by content analysis. The results of the research revealed that:

  1. The conditions for problems and obstacles in today's digital era were 1) a lack of digital technology skills and 2) a lack of historical context knowledge, 2) age disparities, 3) universities' frequently changing rules and regulations, and 4) rapid technological advancements.
  2. Guidelines for developing support personnel to be able to respond to working in the digital era, classified into 5 areas as follows: 2.1 Knowledge, it was found that 1) should have knowledge management, 2) should have job analysis and provide opportunities for personnel to participate in the selection of development topics, and 3) should develop the necessary basic skills before developing according to the task. 2.2 Skills, it was found that 1) basic skills should be defined that everyone should have in their work, 2) should have a level of competency in digital technology skills, and 3) had a prior assessment, during and after each training session. 2.3 Attitudes, it was found that there should be communication within the organization and should allow personnel to participate in formulating development issues. 2.4 Motivation, it was found that there should be an outstanding reward and reward system. 2.5 Development, it was found that the digital system should be developed at the faculty level and develop key performance indicators that correspond to the nature of the work.
  3. Executives have set guidelines/methods to develop support personnel capable of working in the digital era by analyzing and categorizing personnel according to their abilities, emphasis on practical experimental learning, and fair evaluation. Executives have support and encouragement of support personnel to work in the digital era by allocating sufficient budgets for training programs, hiring knowledgeable speakers, and supporting the devices needed to work in the digital age. There is a system for glorifying and rewarding those with good performance.


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