
  • ภัควรรณร์ เชาว์ดีธิรัชกุล Master of Information Science Program in Social Media Technology, College of digital innovation and information technology, Rangsit University, Pathumtani, Thailand
  • สุมามาลย์ ปานคำ Master of Information Science Program in Social Media Technology, College of digital innovation and information technology, Rangsit University, Pathumtani, Thailand


Intentional Behavior, Health Check-up Program, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Service Quality, Satisfaction


This research aims to develop causal relationship model of purchase Intention Behaviors health check-up program via website of people in Bangkok and Metropolitan Region. This is also to investigate the consistency of the behavioral relationship pattern that has been developed from the observable evidences. The sample group was 399 people who had experienced in ordering health check-up program via website and lives in Bangkok and Metropolitan Region where have not shown the exact population number, were selected by convenient sampling. The research tool was online questionnaire which has the reliability value at 0.93. The statistical approach and related statistical variables used in the research consist of the percentage score, average score, skewness, kurtosis, structural equation model analysis to determine the causal relationship with structural equation modeling (SEM) by using the program.
The result was found that causal relationship model of purchase Intention Behaviors health check-up program via website of the population in Bangkok and Metropolitan Region. The factors are categorized into 4 factors The factors includes service quality, Perceived Value, and satisfaction. Each factor lead to these intentional behavior, the predictive coefficient of 96 percent. It was also found that the developed behavioral reason consists of the observable evidence.


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How to Cite

เชาว์ดีธิรัชกุล ภ., & ปานคำ ส. (2019). CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP MODEL OF PURCHASING BEHAVIOR INTENTIONS HEALTH CHECK-UP PROGRAM VIA WEBSITE OF THE POPULATION IN BANGKOK AND ITS VICINITY. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 10(1), 261–275. retrieved from



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)