
  • อัจฉรา ประไพพักตร์ Doctor of philosophy (political science), Faculty of political science ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • สุวรรณี แสงมหาชัย Doctor of philosophy (political science), Faculty of political science ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand


Effectiveness, New public service (NPS), New service development (NSD)


In this dissertation, the researcher investigates the effectiveness of registration services for Thai public organizations. The researcher also examines factors influencing the effectiveness of these registration services. These factors are service technology, participation by service receivers, the enhancement of the competencies of service providers, and establishing systems for service providers and developing operational steps. In this research inquiry, the researcher adopted a qualitative research approach involving case studies of departments under the administrative control of ministries. These are the Department of Lands, the Department of Land Transport, the Department of Business Development, and the Revenue Department, all of which served as units of analysis. Indepth interviews were carried out with 28 key informants. Copies of a questionnaire were distributed to 294 service providers and 1,600 service receivers. In collecting germane data, the researcher used the methods of documentary research and in-depth interviews in addition to a questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed by means of documentary analysis, analytically
comparing situations, and inductive analysis. The results were grouped and the groups were compared, thereby allowing the drawing of conclusions. Findings are as follows: The Revenue Department showed the highest level of effectiveness in registration services. The Department of Lands showed the lowest level of
effectiveness in registration services. Four factors are determinative of the effectiveness of departmental registration services as follows: (1) Technology used for registration services are now twofold. The first system is online registration. The second system is registration at the offices of each department.
This results in differences in the effectiveness of the registration services provided by each department. (2) The participation of service receivers encourages members of the general public as service receivers, thereby enhancing the development of services. This state of affairs constitutes a direct response to the needs of service receivers. Each department pays attention to the issue of participation in different ways, but this has minimal effects on registration services. (3) The enhancement of the competencies of providers of services is
important in providing registration services. Officials providing registration services must have specialized expertise. It is therefore necessary to augment the skills of officials providing services continuously in order to ensure good registration services are provided to service receivers. (4) The official establishment of systems and operational steps with clear steps and manuals which are easy to understand will ensure that officials correctly carry out their work duties, not to speak of the fact that this facilitates the accurate provision of good services in addition to well serving service receivers. The researcher would like to proffer the following recommendations: Administrators of Thai public organizations must understand all of the aforementioned four factors. If so, this would result in the development of the effectiveness of registration services. Problems and obstacles involving all four factors must be studied, so that administrators can use
the findings for making changes in registration services, administration strategies for the whole system, and performance steps. The skills of service providers should be improved. Participation in the design of registration services should be developed for the sake of better performance in the provision of services.


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How to Cite

ประไพพักตร์ อ., & แสงมหาชัย ส. (2019). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF REGISTRATION SERVICES IN THAI PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 10(2), 73–86. retrieved from



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)