The Desirable Characteristics of Graduated Students in the Viewpoints of Mass Communication Enterprises
Keywords : Graduate Characteristics, Entrepreneur, Mass CommunicationAbstract
The objectives of this research include 1) to study the desirable characteristics of graduates from mass communication-related organizations 2) to analyze the characteristics of graduates comparing with expectations of mass communication-related organizations, and their obstacles and limitations, and 3) to provide suggestions on developing the graduates in Mass Communication Study. This qualitative research conducted by in-depth interview and focus group approaches with four groups of key informants. A purposive selection was conducted for four academic officers, twenty undergraduate students, two private entrepreneur, and two public enterprise representatives, total of twenty-eight informants and discussants were participated. The result shown that;
- The organizations expected that the graduates would have eight characteristics include 1) assertiveness 2) being ethical 3) aware of function for society 4) technology literacy 5) diverse knowledge integration ability 6) creative problem solving 7) aware of possible impact 8) systematic thinking
- The comparative analysis between expectation and perceived characteristics of graduates by the organizations lead to the expressions that the media enterprises should involve in curriculum development of Mass Communication Study in higher education institutes, the graduates should have encouragement and capacity to integrate members of different power groups and from different societies to live with harmony, as well as should have a wider and deeper cognitive approaches with ability to differentiate between belief opinion knowledge and fact.
- Suggestions for development of Mass Communication graduates consist of 1) the curriculum have be based on the principles of mass media communication 2) internship program must consistent with the demand of labor market 3) the study program must integrate with knowledge from other subjects 4) the curriculum has to support the students for foreign language development.
Keywords : Graduate Characteristics, Entrepreneur, Mass Communication
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"บทความวิชาการในวารสารฉบับนี้ ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนเท่านั้น"