Developing marketing competitiveness of community business : SarikaDistrict, NakhonNayok


  • สุบัน บัวขาว คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร


marketing competitiveness, development, business community


The research aimed to 1) study the level of marketing competitiveness of community business in Sarika District NakhonNayok 2) study internal and external business environment toward community business in Sarika District NakhonNayok 3) create the guideline to develop marketing competitiveness of community business in SarikaDistrict  NakhonNayok. Mixed Method was used through both qualitative and quantitative research. Purposive Sampling Random was used by selecting group leaders and member of each community business, community leaders and Community Development Specialist total 12 key informants. Research instruments used were questionnaire and focus group and qualitative research. The samples were 123 consumers derived from Convenience Sampling. Data was analyzed by mean, percentage, and Standard Deviation. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.

Research findings revealed that the level of marketing competitiveness of community business in SarikaDistrict  NakhonNayok in 4 factors including product, price, distribution and promotion in overall showed in the average to highest level. The highest was price, product, distribution and promotion respectively. The guidelines to develop marketing competitiveness of community business in Sarika District NakhonNayok ; prodct package should be developed by labeling product which identified ingredients, manufacturing date, expiry date to accredit the product and develop variety of product which showed clear and attractive price and beneficial information for customers decision making. Product distribution should be online and create social network to widen distribution to other community. Promotion campaign should be created to promote product and public relation for product under slogan “Best Product of Kudrung” to attract customers.


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How to Cite

บัวขาว ส. (2020). Developing marketing competitiveness of community business : SarikaDistrict, NakhonNayok. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 11(2). Retrieved from



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)