
  • Natinee Surakarnkul Doctor of Business Administration Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Kaewta Poopatanapong
  • Prayong Meechaisue


transformational leadership, organizational climate, knowledge sharing, effective team, innovative work behavior


The research investigated the influence of transformational leadership on innovative work behavior of customs officer. The sample group was customs officer, and the qualitative data was collected by in-depth, semi-structure interview and non-participant observation from 15 officer by purposive sampling to support research conceptual framework. The quantitative data was collected by questionnaires from 450 customs officer, and the data processing by descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. Transformational Leadership variable influenced positively to organizational climate. Knowledge sharing and team-efficacy were statistical significance, and the organizational climate variable influenced positively to knowledge sharing. Team-efficacy and innovative work behavior were statistical significance. Furthermore, the transformational leadership influenced insignificance to innovative work behavior, and knowledge sharing variable influenced insignificance to innovative work behavior.


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How to Cite

Surakarnkul, N., Poopatanapong, K., & Meechaisue, P. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ON INNOVATIVE WORK BEHAVIOR OF CUSTOMS OFFICER. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 12(1), 242–260. retrieved from



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