
  • Wisanan Ouparamai สาขาวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช
  • Prapasri Phongthanapanich


Distribution channel, Marketing communications, Digital marketing, New normal, Next normal


This academic paper focuses on studying and suggesting important issues used in formulating digital distribution channels and digital marketing communications strategies in order to benefit the operations of business operators to survive and operate their businesses sustainably. Therefore, if businesses can combine these two marketing mixes in digital marketing, they will be able to support each other so that businesses can deliver their products or services to consumers accurately, completely, and timely respond. The new normal lifestyle, also known as “New Normal”, which is an era where consumers have to order and pay for goods and services via online channels to reduce exposure and reduce the risk of infection. Until now, entering to the “Next Normal”, consumer behavior and attitudes have changed after living under the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic for a certain period of time. Consumers are exposed to new digital technologies and services including online platforms in various forms with more focus on convenience and meet the safety and hygiene. From the analysis of literatures and related research, the author therefore presents 8 key points that will be used as a guideline for determining the strategy of digital distribution channels and digital marketing communications that are suitable for business in this Next Normal era. These 8 key points are: Image, Experience, Quality and Standards, Convenience, Information, Safety and Auditability, Promotion, and Customer Relations. The application of these 8 key points will enhance the efficiency of digital distribution channels and digital marketing communications to achieve the perfect integration by using digital technology to support them. To enable business organizations to store and analyze consumer behavior data and use them to create products and services. This includes developing digital formats for their distribution channels and marketing communications to support the widespread and growing trend of Next Normal lifestyle which is the important role for consumers and the future


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How to Cite

Ouparamai , W., & Phongthanapanich, P. (2021). DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL AND DIGITAL MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESSES IN NEXT NORMAL ERA. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 12(2), 398–413. retrieved from



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