
  • Napasorn Palawasu School of Communication Arts, Bangkok University


Event and MICE professionals, burnout, fatigue, occupational toughness, Burnout Prevention


Fatigue and burnout have long been recognized as pervasive issues across various occupations, including event management. This study aims to explore the concepts of fatigue and burnout specifically in the context of event professionals, examining their root causes, observable symptoms, and potential interventions for effective resolution. The paper endeavors to comprehensively review existing scholarly literature on this topic by thoroughly analyzing multiple studies that delve into these matters. The study results highlight the progressive nature of exhaustion as a precursor to burnout. It is evident that exhaustion can be triggered by specific incidents or prolonged work-related factors, leading to significant stress. Conversely, burnout manifests suddenly and negatively affects individuals' overall well-being and occupational effectiveness. The causes of fatigue and burnout in event professionals can be attributed to the demanding aspects of their work, including long hours, high-pressure environments, tight deadlines, and constant multitasking. In addition to these work-related factors, personal characteristics along with coping strategies also influence an individual's susceptibility to experiencing fatigue and burnout.


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How to Cite

Palawasu, N. (2024). BURNOUT PHENOMENAL: UNMASKING THE STRUGGLES OF EVENT AND MICE PROFESSIONAL. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 15(1), 222–236. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPU/article/view/270583



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