เดี่ยวระนาดทุ้มเพลงลาวแพนทางครูสมาน ทองสุโชติ กรณีศึกษา: ดร.ดุษฏี มีป้อม


  • วิชัย ภู่เพ็ชร์ หลักสูตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาดุริยางคศิลป์ไทย สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนศิลป์


Ranad Thum Solo, Lao Pan, Samarn Thongsuchot


The purpose of this research were to study 1) the history of  Samarn Thongsuchot’s the lecturer Dussdee Meepom” and the artists associated with the succession of the Lao Pan 2) Analyze the progressive single-track melody of Lao Pan song of Samarn Thongsuchot’s 3) Role and importance of Lao Pan music in the present society. Use qualitative research methodology. The study was conducted by collecting information from academic papers. Research papers, print media articles. Interviews with qualified Thai musicians. The music was delivered by Samantha Thongchote and presented by the descriptive analysis.

The research founded that  1) The teacher Samantha Thongchote is a student who has been studying music with many famous teachers such as teacher Praphan Baipa, teacher Luang Pradit Phisit (Sorasitra). Teachers humorous, delicate, teacher, diamond, Chanel, etc. so that the teacher has a good knowledge of music. Can play around the loop. Gentleman Humble Is a very kind man Hold on to Buddhism. Have diligence Responsible for the job 2) Analysis of single Lao Pan found that The song that appears in the single, Laotian, Lao Pan major, Lao Song Somdej. Laos music camp Lao Song Unknown Title Song Lao Pan The song at the end of Laos Pan has a total of 118 sentences in front of Laos, the rate of two strokes in front of the facade and front of the facade alternating with Laos. At the end of Lao Pan Pan. There are five types of melody: (1) smooth melody, (2) irregular melody, and (3) melodic melody. Both the sentence (5) The special melody, the playing techniques used in the play, the use of three-syllable flick, four-syllable flick, three-syllable beat Striking, sucking, mating, etc. The sound stairs found in the main melody are the stairs. 3) The study of the role of Lao Pan music found that Lao Pan music is currently playing a role in the performance of the show. In the field of education. In terms of cultural expression. In the field of Thai music. Which remains Harmony with Thai society from past to present


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How to Cite

ภู่เพ็ชร์ ว. (2017). เดี่ยวระนาดทุ้มเพลงลาวแพนทางครูสมาน ทองสุโชติ กรณีศึกษา: ดร.ดุษฏี มีป้อม. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 8(1), 288–298. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPU/article/view/66744



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)