ความสำคัญของเพลง ตระนาฏราช ในวัฒนธรรมดนตรีไทย


  • นุกูล ทัพดี สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนศิลป์


Pleng Tranartrarach, Na Tub song, Thai culture


The Thesis title, “Importance of Tra Nataraj song in Thai classical music culture”, has two objectives as; 1) to study history and development of Tra Nataraj song, 2) to analyzed melody and Na Tub controlling Tra Nataraj song. The research instrument used in this thesis was interview, review of existing literature, and onsite data collection by interview and observing in order to analyze and present research result using descriptive analysis. 

             1) to study history and development of Tra Nataraj song The research results found that Tra Nataraj song is the song that composed when establishing Nataraj Theater. His Royal Highness Prince Chaleampol Thikamporn had told Khru Boonyong Ketkong to compose the theater anthem song. This become one of the songs that Khru Boonyong has composed in 1972. By using Dub Koun Tean melody as main melody and composed in term of Tra song. This song become new Eplghngapatis song. Adapted music context to become context of Eplghngapatis song. Content and melody can effectively express wisdom of song composing by Khru Boonyong Ketkong. Tra Nataraj song has profound melody that can convey the feeling of faith and believe, which express by human to god; especially, Shiva in Siwanachrat dance performing pattern. 2) to analyzed melody and Na Tub controlling Tra Nataraj song This becme special Na Tub song in term of Tra 12 wooden song with 3 types of vocal pitch; Tang Peang Or Lang vocal pitch, For Sor Lor x Dor Ror; Tang Nai, Chor Lor Tor x Ror Mor x and Tang Klang Heab, Ror Mor For x Lor Tor. This plays the important role in Thai classical music for both the study of Thai classical toward Thai classical music culture and Thai classical music industry.Tra Nataraj song is unique and beautifully composed with Louk Tok as Dub Koun Tean song main melody; as song composing theory that based on rhythm, Louk Tok, scale and Na Tub that similar to main melody.


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How to Cite

ทัพดี น. (2017). ความสำคัญของเพลง ตระนาฏราช ในวัฒนธรรมดนตรีไทย. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 8(1), 299–305. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPU/article/view/66745



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)