การประยุกต์ใช้พุทธปรัชญาและปรัชญาของเศรษฐกิจพอเพียงเพื่อสร้างพลังชุมชนให้เข้มแข็งในอำเภอนาทวี จังหวัดสงขลา


  • พระครูพิพัฒน์กิตติสุนทร หนูดุก นักศึกษาปริญญาเอก หลักสูตรปริญญาปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาปรัชญาและศาสนา มหาวิทยาลัยเซนต์จอห์น


พุทธปรัชญา, ปรัชญาของเศรษฐกิจพอเพียง, Buddhist Philosophy, Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the socio-background of the communities in Nathawee of Songkhla province 2) to analysis the Buddhist philosophy and Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy as the instrument of research for construct sustainability of communities  3) to apply the Buddhist philosophy and Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy in order to create sustainability community in area of Nathawee of Songkhla province 4) to crate the new body of knowledge and form of co-existence in plural society. The researcher uses the qualitative method and descriptive method and discursive method through the analysis and interpretation.


            The result of this research was found that usage of the Buddhist Philosophy as the instrument of Postmodernism through the interpretation and explanation, that is say: the principle of four powers/phala, the principle of the wisdom, the principle of the power of effort, the power of virtue/purity, and the principle of assistance/giving, in order to understand and create the religious relation in the Nathawee community. And get ready to construct sustainability community and get rid of the obstacles in both individual and the community level. Both Buddhist philosophy and Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy become suitable factors for enhancement sustainability community. The Buddhist philosophy is pure philosophy while the Sufficiency Economy is an applied Buddhist philosophy but they originated from the same root; that is to say, the Buddha’s teaching. New body of knowledge: Issue on non-reliability depends upon history but without attachment, realization the facts in the present time, adding the confidence to Thai state, getting rid of injustice. Issue on absence of spiritual refuge should be enhanced with ten virtues which make for protection. Wrong value depends upon the Buddhist ethics and Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy but using the Buddhist epistemology in the case of absence of discrimination


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How to Cite

หนูดุก พ. (2017). การประยุกต์ใช้พุทธปรัชญาและปรัชญาของเศรษฐกิจพอเพียงเพื่อสร้างพลังชุมชนให้เข้มแข็งในอำเภอนาทวี จังหวัดสงขลา. Academic Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University, 8(2), 81–92. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJPU/article/view/71965



บทความวิจัย (Research Article)