Decoding of Praek Nam Daeng community identity with application in the design of mascots in Amphawa to promote cultural tourism

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Decoding of Praek Nam Daeng community identity and its application in mascot design in Amphawa to promote cultural tourism It is a creative research (Creative Research) with objectives. (1). to search for a set of knowledge that is the identity of the community in the application of the local mascot design (2). To design a prototype mascot pattern that reflects its identity abundance of Phraek Nam Daeng Community, Amphawa District, Samut

Songkhram Province. It is known in the field of creative cultural tourism which research result will lead to the creation

of marketing strategies in promoting cultural tourismgenerate income for provinces and countries

            The research started from (1). Determine the concept of mascot design. study the data from the field visit to collect information to decipher the identity of the community. Determine the type and nature of the cartoon "mascot" then create a questionnaire for community representatives. To select the design elements (2). Summarize

the data and design the prototype mascot pattern. Create a questionnaire series for design professionals. and community representatives to evaluate and summarize the design.

            The results of the study found that the composition of the mascot is suitable for the community identity of Praek Nam Daeng. with application in the design of mascots (mascot) in Amphawa to promote cultural tourism. there are the following components Mascot symbols include shrimp, crab, fish, fisherman, age of mascot, teenager - adult, gender, both male and female. the propotion of the mascot is 3.5, The appearance is semi-realistic, 3D and cartoon. The color group is green, yellow, red, green, yellow, which is the identity of the community. It conveys abundance, sustainability, self-reliance model selection evaluation resulting in factors consisting of gender, age, personality, gestures or emotions of mascots, including conceptual models that convey the fishing, and the abundance of seafood such as sea crabs, a conceptual model that represents a canal and a river, and a conceptual model that represents a red thorn tree, respectively.

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