The Designing of Learning Model to Develop Performing Skills by DISC Theory and Contemplative Learning Process

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Sakchai Iamkrasin
Chutima Maneewatthana


This study is a mixed method research aiming to Study the Contemplative education and DISC Theory were used as framework to design learning activities to improve acting skills. Quasi-Experimental Research model was applied conducting with a single group pre-tested-post-test model for 15 performance students. Research instruments include participatory observations, interviews and group discussions. The study found that the participants learned effectively from the use of the activities through experiential learning designed by applying the 3 core elements of Contemplative Education learning process, namely: 1. deep listening 2. contemplation and 3. self awareness. The learning outcomes can be categorized into 5 dimensions: 1. Understanding the thoughts of oneself and others 2. Being aware of one's own and others' emotions and expressions 3. Understanding the motives of oneself and others 4. problem solving skills and 5. Practicing expression and communication skills, all of which contributing a 3-step Practicing learning process: 1. The inner-self learning 2. The understanding of others and 3. Portraying a character. In addition, the participants also reflected that apart from improving their acting skills, the learning from such activities can actually be applied in daily life.

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Performing arts


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