Design Product Innovation for the Elder from Local Wisdom Palm Wood

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ยุวดี พรธาราพงศ์
Arnut Siripithakul


The objectives of this research are: 1. To design innovative products for the elderly from Palm wood local wisdom that can help and promote health in life. 2. To create a design guideline for innovative products for the elderly from local wisdom, Palm wood that are unique for the community can be used to produce to upgrade products developed from local wisdom. The design method was to study the behavior of health problems of the elderly, physical aspects which have changed. due to old age It's a physiological change. muscle weakness problems decreased stamina Caring for and promoting the physical health of the elderly is important. The researcher conducted a research study by designing 5 form , Form 1 Palm Wood  Products for neck muscle massage Form 2 Palm Wood  Products for leg muscle massage Form 3: Palm Wood  Products for finger manage ment Pattern 4: Palm Wood  Products for back massage Form 5: Palm Wood  Products for exercise the muscles under the feet  of innovative products for the elderly that can help promote health in the lifestyle of the elderly.

              The results of the experiment by bringing innovative products for the elderly from the local wisdom of Palm wood that can help and promote health in life. Trial with 50 elderly people in terms of form, concept, function. It was found that the elderly were satisfied with the innovative products for the elderly at a very high level. Products for the elderly from local wisdom from Palm wood It is an innovation that arises from the wisdom of the elderly to make the elderly have better health in taking care of their health. Innovative products from palm sugar It is a product made from the trunk of the palm tree. It is a valuable work that is unique to the local area. A study on the use of Palm wood as a material in the preparation of products for the elderly who want to convey the meaning of Palm wood which is a way of life and wisdom It shows the good memories of the elderly and can create patterns and ways to create unique products for the community. Value of way of life and dependence on nature which is an important natural resource that is local.

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