Interpretation in a Female Artist's Self-Portrait: A Case Study of 10 Female Artists in Art History

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ณัฐสุรี เตชะวิริยะทวีสิน


The objectives of this research were to collect, compile and study the self-portraits of female artists in order to analyze the art styles of female artists' self-portraits and to analyze the interpretation of the works of female artists. Self-portraits of female artists through interpretation. This research has the concept of image composition and the theory of Semiotic or Semiology, which is an important concept and theory for the analysis of semantic communication data. with a qualitative research method.

The results of objective research found that:

(1) The self-portraits of the ten female artists studied are of high art history with a consistent relationship between styles and artistic ideology in each period. Female artists of each period relied on important patterns that are the current of artistic development as a factor in creating self-portraits to become distinctive and unique. (2) The female artist's self-portrait style is composed of works by presenting one's face and upper body as the highlight or focus of the work. Whereas the techniques and artistic doctrines of different eras do not differ in the presentation of the styles of the works. The composition of the painting therefore follows the usual painting style. but may differ in the manner of emphasizing the expressions of the facial expressions and eyes of the characters in the picture and (3) the self-portraits of female artists often convey the meaning of self-original facial expressions resulting from the reflection in the mirror or from photographs or from the identity of the face. as a model by expressing 6 connotations: self-portraits of female artists often have connotations that are deeply related to the issue of femininity (feminizes) as pre-modern artist, female artists use themselves as media characters instead of religious characters, expression of sexuality (sexuality) expressed through the eyes. facial structure, shape and upper body contours, emphasizing a contoured figure or bare body, expressing the daily life of a woman as a middle class and the subconscious revelation of a female artist as if full of mysterious aesthetics.

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Visual arts


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