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Hayanee Malee
Patcha Utisawannakul


The objectives of this research are to 1) find ways to develop textile innovations from sweet salt fields, Pattani province, 2) find creative design guidelines for women's apparel patterns for reductionists in the Southeast Asian market. The creative design process is developing fibers in sweet salt fields with an experimental research model under the concept of sustainability in line with the BCG (Bio-Circular-Green Economy). The development of textile innovations from sweet salt fields in Pattani province, which are unique agricultural resources in the area, is worthy of preservation to preserve as a cultural heritage in the region. Currently, salt farming is gradually decreasing due to several impacts on the area. And it is a profession with a non-sustainable income. The villagers who farm salt do not have enough income to support their families. Therefore, the researcher researched the development of fiber innovation in salt fields. That can be developed in many forms to become  new types of  textile products and to support the growing trend in the international market. It results in expanding the market and expanding income for people in the community  through the natural dyeing process, which is a process in which the villagers in the area have knowledge and abilities in the wisdom that has been passed down. This research was conducted with two operational steps: Step 1) Study secondary data, i.e. study the geographical resources in Naklua, Pattani province, and study the extraction of dyes from natural resources in Naklua, Pattani province. Step 2) Study the primary data, which is to go to the field to collect data on resources in the salt fields and conduct an experiment to extract color from the spea (Sesuvium portulacastrum) and mud crops in the salt fields, Pattani province, to experiment with dyeing and analyze for conclusions. Because the minerals in the soil are more diluted than salt fields in other provinces, the most common plant in the salt fields is the spae (Sesuvium portulacastrum). With a PH of 4.5, it gives a creamy light yellow color. When dyed, the fibers are soft and odorless. Next is mud in Na Kluea Wan, Pattani Province. When extracted, it has a PH of 6.5. Once dyed, the fibers are mottled hard, and the sweet brine is in the process of fermentation to prepare the fibers before dyeing them in the prepared natural color. and fermented in saline again after soaking in a dyeing agent (Mordant), resulting in different saturation and different levels of color (Palate Colors).

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