Media Framing of Thai Paralympics and Paralympians

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Parichart Sthapitanonda
Kitt Wongarsa
Chayanit Vivatthanavanich


The objective of this study is to find out how local newspapers in Thailand reported the Paralympic Games and the Thai Paralympians during the period of 2012 London Paralympics. As an empirical study, we applied the framing methodology to analyze the 2012 London Paralympics news of the top three newspapers in Thailand: Bangkok Post (the leading English newspaper), Thai Rath (the most popular Thai newspaper), and Siam Sport News (the biggest sport newspaper). The quantitative results showed that Thai newspapers paid most attention in reporting news of Paralympics after the games were over. The most popular frame was about rewards given to the Paralympic winners. By applying Thai dramatic frames to analyze the stories of Thai Paralympians, orphan characteristic was most framed as an image of Thai Paralympians.

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