Revisiting Discursive Interface Analysis for the Study of Digital Advertising in Asia

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Edward C. K. Hung


This paper revisits discursive interface analysis to explore the possibility of having a universal method to scrutinize the power, creativity, and freedom of digital media through digital advertising. This is due to the facts that i) there is commercial success in and high potential of digital advertising; ii) digital advertising is a representation of digital media; and iii) digital advertising often embraces the latest technologies and the innovative use of digital media. It specially explores the suitability of discursive interface analysis for this study through ten digital advertising campaigns in Asia. The analyses show that there are insufficiencies in the sensory, cognitive, and functional affordances of discursive interface analysis for the study of digital advertising. The paper concludes with a revision of these three affordances to reveal the power, creativity, and freedom of digital media through digital advertising.


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