Relating Brand Personality with Customers’ Brand Experience: A Case of Apple Brand in Thailand

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Natcha Tangsritrakul
Saravudh Anantachart


This research study aims to examine the relationship between Apple’s brand personality and customers’ brand experience, which is exhibited through emotional attachment, satisfaction, and consumer loyalty, in Thailand. Participants were 200 Thai consumers, aged between 20 to 36 years old, who were current users of Apple products within the past 6 months. They were each asked to complete a survey questionnaire via online or offline channels. Results in the brand personality section shows that Apple’s brand personality is exceptional in terms of the sophistication dimensions. Sophistication dimension received the highest score, in which style is the highest facet. Results from customers' brand experience section showed a relatively high concerning emotional attachment to Apple brand products with high levels of customer satisfaction and consumer loyalty. The relationship between brand personality and brand experience, in terms of emotional attachment, satisfaction, and consumer loyalty, were all positive. This suggests brand personality is likely to have a positive effect on brand experience.

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