The Struggle is Real: Strategic Marketing Communication and the Survivability of Indonesian Local Fashion Brands

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Ina Nur Ratriyana


Indonesian local brands struggle as they compete with global brands, with some surviving while others collapse. As local fashion brands  contribute significantly to the Indonesian economy, this study will focus on such brands. Strategic marketing communication is pivotal in supporting local fashion brands, not only because it raises brand awareness, but also because it creates good local brand equity. As such, this study seeks to contribute an understanding of how local fashion brands survive in the midst of global competition, with a particular focus on the use of strategic marketing communication to build brand equity among millennials (the largest market today). Using an explanatory sequential design and the mixed methods research, this study aims, first, to quantify the level of local brand equity. A quantitative approach is thus intended: i) to identify the most widely recognized fashion brands in Yogyakarta; ii) to measure the equity of local fashion brands; iii) to identify each brand equity's contribution to brand equity development. Using convenience sampling, the study asked 504 respondents about top-of-mind local fashion brands; 488 of these respondents were asked about their perceptions of brand equity. The study then qualitatively measures the use of strategic marketing communication to establish brand equity, using in-depth interviews to collect data on the local fashion brands Dagadu and Amazara. It finds that local fashion brands have mid-level brand equity and limited brand quality, and as such require more strategic marketing communication. Digital marketing communication is particularly important, given that the objective of marketing communication is to build consumer engagement.


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