Psycho-Physical Character: The Double in Thai Film entitled The Whistle (2003)

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Wanwarang Maisuwong


This article studies a psycho-physical character in a film entitled The Whistle (2003). The film presents a romantic story that is unique in the Thai film industry. It is based on the doppelgänger concept which the film’s plot centers on a double character. Furthermore, the article focuses on the cause and impact of the double’s self-presentation, and the self self-model that can relate to the main character. The doppelgänger in most films reflect the dark side of the character. However, the character’s double in this film is a better version of himself. This paper aims to analyze the background of the characters’ insufficiency, study the inspiration behind the characters’ actions, observe the projection and functioning of the self-presentation, and discuss the main character’s mind and body. To achieve these objectives, the author views the film under levels of impression monitoring, the double and social relations as well as dualism frameworks. In conclusion, this study can provide critical analysis of the appearance of the doppelgänger, the possible motivations of the self-presentation. Finally, the double creation will be indicated in this article.

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