A Call for More Research Publications on Gender in Indonesia’s Public Relations

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Deborah Simorangkir


This article seeks to analyze the current state of research on gender in Indonesia’s PR industry and identify areas that need more attention.            Based on the analysis of 14 articles published in academic journals, conference proceedings and scholarly theses from 2012 until June 2023, the following key themes were identified:1) Leadership in PR; 2) Lookism; 3) Gendered PR roles; 4) Gender and career competence; 5) Gendered stereotypes; 6) Gender gaps in the PR industry; and, 7) Feminist PR scholarship. There have been few publications related to gender in the Indonesia’s public relations industry, and even fewer research conducted at a macro level. Moreover, the publications identified in this study lack diversity in research methodology.  Using the feminist critical perspective, this article calls for more research on gender in Indonesia’s PR industry at a macro level, using diverse research methods, that interrogate the conditions described in literature described over the past decade. There is a need for more inclusive practices in academic processes that shape disciplinary knowledge. This will help close the research gap that exists due to the lack of publications outside of the standard white, heterosexual, American-centric PR.

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