Understanding the Roles of Television Advertising on Consumer’s Buying Decisions: A Study of Dhaka City

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Sk. Abu Raihan Siddiqua
Md Raisul Islam
Tasmia Khatun


This study analyzes the role of advertising and various other factors on customer purchasing behavior. The study is grounded on consumer data obtained in Dhaka, Bangladesh, through the administration of a survey in four prominent areas: Uttara, Mirpur, Badda, and Keraniganj. Data for the study were obtained from a sample of 200 users who actively engage with television advertising. The study highlights key factors such as celebrity endorsements, children’s role on parents’ shopping decisions, and the preferences of different demographic groups. Despite the growing presence of digital media, television advertising continues to shape consumer behavior in Dhaka, offering valuable insights for advertisers and policymakers navigating this complex media environment. Furthermore, the study emphasizes that consumers’ viewpoints significantly role their purchasing choices. Nevertheless, innovative advertisements and efficient marketing tactics have the power to role clients’ purchasing choices.

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