Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

The Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation of Article Publication

in the CRRU Journal of Communication


Publication Policy

The CRRU Journal of Communication Chiang Rai Rajabhat University is designed to publish the journal 2 issues annually (January-June and July-December). The principal aim of this journal publication is to serve as the medium for academic communication in the field of Communication, Mass Communication, Communication Arts, or other fields that is relevant.


Article Submission for Publication

The article shall be accepted for publication should conform to the following 2 categories: academic article or research article. The submitted article should have never been published in any journal and under the review process of any other journals. The submitted article must be reviewed by the peer reviewers from various institutes which expertise in the field related to the topic of an article, totaling 3 reviewers underlying the double-blind review process.


Article characteristics

The submitted article should conform to academic or research paper convention that deals with researching, analyzing, or presenting new concepts in the field of Communication, Mass Communication, Communication Arts. The submitted paper is categorized into 2 types.

Academic articles refer to the paper that presents new knowledge in the fields of Communication, Mass Communication, Communication Arts by means of academically analyzing or criticizing the issues related to the aforementioned fields. The authors can clearly express their academic views in the academic paper.

Research article refers to the report on the research results in Communication, Mass Communication, Communication Arts, which undergoes the thorough study based on the sound research procedure and eventually gains the new knowledge.



Manuscript preparation

The academic or research article can be submitted either in Thai or English. The manuscript should be typed in 1 full page of A4 paper using Angsana New 14 font size. The paper title in Thai and English uses Angsana New 18 font size while other topic title uses Angsana New 16 font size. The paper should contain 15-20 pages. The paper should include the following components:

  1. 1. Title
  2. 2. Author (should include everyone by placing at the right alignment and using italicized alphabet with 14 font size)
  3. 3. The author’s highest degree certificate, major field, institution, and academic title (if any)
  4. 4. Current affiliated organization (e.g. name of institution, faculty, department/program)

      * (No. 3 and 4, the author should annotate them right after the author’s names on the first page of the article)

  1. 5. The abstract (Thai and English). The end of the abstract should include keywords relevant to the content of the abstract.

      ** From the 5 items above, if the paper is in Thai, the author must provide the information of the 5 items both in Thai and English. However, if the paper is in English, the author does not have to provide the information in Thai.


The academic article or research article must be supplemented with abstract, both in Thai and in English. The abstract should be no more than half of an A4 page.

The structure of academic article should include introduction, content, summary, and references. The research article should include introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, recommendations, and references.

            The figures and tables must be shown only those needed and they must be numbered orderly. The image must be clear to show key content of the story. The descriptions and tables are provided with clear and concise text.

            The language use in the article should be accurate, clear, and concise. The technical terms used must comply with the Royal Academy Dictionary. The use of academic terminology should be used in conjunction with English terms. In the case of unique name or translation from foreign language that firstly appeared in the article, the author should include its original term in the parenthesis and should be consistent in the use of vocabulary and abbreviations throughout the article.


Citation and references

Citation and references must conform to APA style (American Psychological Association).


Guidelines for In-text Citation

        In the case of references inserted into the content, enter the author's last name and year of publication in parentheses. For example:

                   Thai author :             Name/Surname/(Year)   or   (Name/Surname,/Year)

                   Foreigner author :      Surname/(Year)    or    (Surname,/Year)       



                   คมสัน รัตนะสิมากูล (2567)   or    (คมสัน รัตนะสิมากูล, 2567)

                   Khotler (2000)    or    (Khotler, 2000)


          If there are more than 3 authors, write only first author then use "et al.” e.g. Sthapitanonda, P., et al.           


Guidelines for References

          The list of authors for references, the prefix of their names is normally left out including Mr., Mrs., Miss, academic title, police and military ranks, and religious title but the royal title is allowed in the references.

                   One author

Thai author : Put firstname follow with lastname. Translate them into English. E.g. Komsan Rattanasimakul. (2024).

Foreigner author: Put last name and use Comma (,) to separate the abbreviation of the author’s first name and middle name and use Full stop (.) at the end of each abbreviation e.g. Smith, R. J.


                   Authors not more than 6 persons

Write all English translation of the Thai authors’ name and put “and” before the last author e.g. กาญจนา แก้วเทพ กิตติ กันภัย และ ปาริชาต สถาปิตานนท์. Use Comma (,) to separate individual author and use "and" to separate the last author from the others. Write last name before first name e.g. Kanjana Kaewthep, Kitti Gunpai, and Parichart Sthapitanonda

For foreigner authors, write the first name and last name of every author, use Comma (,) to separate individual author, and write "and" to separate the last author from the others e.g. Maliheh, S., Shima, S., and Robab, S. (2015).


                   Authors more than 6 persons

Thai authors, use their English translated names e.g. Kanjana Kaewthep et al.

Foreigner authors use et al.  e.g. Bermard, S. et al.


          Organization use the inverted direction of the institutional name e.g. Ministry of Commerce, Department of International Trade Promotion.


  1. 1. Textbook references

Author./(Year of publication)./Book name./Edition. (If any)/Printed city:/Publisher.


Kapferer, J. N. (2008). The New Strategic Brand Management. Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term. 4th ed. Massachusetts: The University of Massachusetts.


  1. 2. Journal references

Author./(Year of publication)./Name of article,/Name of journal./Volume(Issue)./Page.


Bonner, S.E. (1997). Accounting Audit category knowledge as a precondition to learning from experience. Organizations and Society, 22(5), 387-410.


  1. 3. Thesis references

          Author./(Year of publication)./Thesis title./(Degree full form)./University,/town.


          Suwanchaisak, W. (2007). Role of newspapers in promoting education along the

                 educational reform policy and expectation of society. (Master of Arts in

                 Journalism). Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.


  1. 4. E-resources references

          Author./(Year of publication)./Title./Retrieved from/URL


Pack, T. (2002). Media Literacy Link-Up. Retrieved from www.info.arc.dusit.ac.th

Haiwainet. (2018). Big data helps targeted poverty alleviation and Guizhou builds a model for poverty alleviation. Retrieved from https://news.haiwainet.cn/n/


  1. 5. Interview references

          Interviewee./Position(If any)./Interview on/Month/Date,/Year.


Parichart Sthapitanonda. Dean, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University. Interview on January 2, 2016.


Article submission for publication at CRRU Journal of Communication

          The author must submit the article online via Thaijo system : https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CRRUJC/about/submissions


Ethics in publication of research and academic article

  1. The contents of the article published in the CRRU Journal of Communication are the product of the authors’ thoughts, research, review, analysis, compilation, citation, and references. The editorial staff shares no responsibility on these actions.
  2. The research articles and academic articles published in this journal are peer reviewed by external and internal peer reviewers at least two persons according to the peer review principles.
  3. The article published in this journal must have never been published anywhere before, and it must not be under the publication reviewing process in any other journals. If duplicated publication is found, it is the sole responsibility of the author to infringe the copyright. The article published in this journal is owned by the publisher and it is thus prohibited to reproduce all or part of the text unless permitted by the editor.
  4. If the reader finds any articles in the journal is the replication of other people’s work by claiming as a work of the author, this action is considered Plagiarism, so please notify the editor.
  5. The editorial staff reserves the right to review articles in the research study related to human and animal experiments. Only the research study approved by the Research Ethics Committee for Human and Animal Experiment can be accepted for publication. The author must submit the approval evidence from the committee together with the article to the editorial staff.