Influence of Marketing Mix of International and Local Coffee Brands Towards Brands Loyalty of Consume in Chiang Mai

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ชุติมน ณรชานันท์
ศุภฤกษ์ โพธิไพรัตนา


The purpose of this research is to: 1. To compare the satisfaction with the global coffee consumption and local consumer market in Chiang Mai province. Global and local consumer products of consumers in Chiang Mai Used as a tool for data collection, data analysis, measurement and analysis of relationships between records and studies found that:

Consumers who purchase products and use Starbucks coffee shops And Amazon Cafe, mostly male, age 19 - 24 years old, private employee Average income per month 10,001 - 20,000 baht Education level Bachelor degree Single status By consumption behavior Products measured from Types of purchases of goods, drinks, cakes, bread or bakery, number of times and amount of expenses that are spent

Factors of product quality, price, place and promotion have an effect on consumption behavior. By marketing factors, products, prices, place and Frequency of consumption, type, quantity and price of consumption

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