Marketing Communication on Facebook Fanpage Private University

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กฤศ โตธนายานนท์


The researcher was on the topic “Marketing Communication on Facebook Fanpage of Private University” This study could enhance the techniques of marketing communication of the university in Thailand. This qualitative research investigated and described the study could enhance the techniques of marketing communication, persuasive appeals, and customer relationship management via social media by 3 selected private universities. This research focused on analyzing the information including text structures, images, and videos. The researcher applied the coding sheet to collect the data and presented the results of study through descriptive analysis procedure. This study has been found that the private selected universities focus on persuade and guide the readers to apply for their higher education and try to attract the readers to be a part of activities which organized by the university. Therefore, these reasons could motivate the participants to have more support reasons to apply to study at university. The research has also found that the most popular marketing communication tools are marketing communication through advertising. The main ideas that include in the advertisement consist of the unique courses, newly created courses which have never appeared in other university and presentation of the university's strengths and the presenting style of content would be the highlight or outstanding points of each university, for example duo-degree courses, international courses, E=Sport (Electronic Sport) which interested by students, and presenting through good appearance actors or students who have good characteristics which could attract attention.

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กฤศ โตธนายานนท์, คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงราย

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