Advertising Hai Law Taw Kup Cheang: The creativity, awareness and the response of TVC on campaign to anti-drink alcohol

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Ladda Prasan
Sermsak Khunpol


The qualitative methology was designed to study for Hai Law Taw Kup Cheang: The creativity, awareness and the response of TVC on campaign to anti-drink alcohol. The research objective to study the perceptions and the responses of drinkers in Thailand towards the advertising films "Giving alcohol = curse". The in-depth interviews with 10 key contributors were arranged. The research finding could be summarized that the opinions on the creation of the advertising campaign "Giving alcohol = curse” over the past 10 years could be classified into 2 phases; at the beginning of the project between 2008 to 2013, most people had the supportive opinion to this campaign as a good project that related to the trendy intention in healthy concern. It gave the audiences a rational knowledge and the congruent understanding of drinking behavior at that moment. During the second phase between 2014 to 2019, most people have the opposing opinions because the advertising message were inconsistent to their current drinking behavior. Moreover, the drinkers had decoded the funny and fear motivation in this advertising campaign as an insult to their being. Finally, they seem to suggest the liguor enterprises should get involved If this campaign was needed to continue.

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