Reputation Crisis: Crisis Management for Sustainable Corporate Reputation Protection

Main Article Content

Siroch Tanratanakul
Wanawan Doherty
Phot Jaichansukit


This article has two objectives. Firstly, to study basic knowledge of concepts, theories, and research on reputation crises. Secondly, to present the current business enterprise reputation crisis management guidelines. By discussing the phenomenon from the results of relevant research on the meaning, the impact of reputation crisis and corporate reputation crisis management guidelines, to lead to effective management of corporate reputation crisis. This paper presents five key ways to address crisis management related to reputation as follows; 1) predicting a reputation crisis 2) reputation risk management 3) reputation crisis management 4) reputation risks and crises communication and 5) building a strong reputation. This reputation crisis management approach can reduce the opportunity and deal with the reputation crisis more effectively. Including building a strong reputation for the stability of the corporate reputation in the long term.

Article Details

Research Article
Author Biographies

Siroch Tanratanakul

Continuing to study at the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Communication. The Faculty of Business, Economics and Communication Naresuan University.

Wanawan Doherty

Ph.D. (Mass Communication). Communication and Information Sciences. The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, USA. (2003). Currently Assistant Professor at Communication, The Faculty of Business, Economics and Communication Naresuan University.

Phot Jaichansukit

Ph.D. (Communication Management). Suan Dusit Rajabhat University (2006). Currently Assistant Professor at Communication and also hold a position as President of the Thai Public Relations Association.


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