Parents' Guide to Information Filtering for Youth in the Free Era

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Ekkamon Ekkalakdilok
Narumol Pongprasert
Koongarnok Maneewong


Thai youth is categorized into a group that accessing to social media with ease because they unavoidably use internet to access into their daily online activities. This situation can be led to problems caused by easily access to social media of Thai youth such as Online gambling, Games, Pornographic media. Therefore, this article presents ways to filter data and information for Thai Youth in the Free era for parents and guardians as protectors of Thai Youth. Parents and Guardians have to understand the characteristics of Thai Youth, understand the online behavior of youth using the online platform, and acknowledge and understand ways to filter data and information including participating in a role to help Thai Youth to critically acquire and receive data and information. As a result, 1) Parents should learn to accept the change of online media in the free era along with Thai Youth. 2) Parents should be a role model to be critically received information and to critically understand the media in the Free era. Lastly, 3) Parents should be people who participate to help Youth to have proper skills to critically think.

Article Details

Academic Article
Author Biographies

Ekkamon Ekkalakdilok

M.A.  (Mass Communication) Thammasat University (2000). Currently Lecturer at Communication Arts Department, Faculty of Humanities and Communication Arts, Payap University.

Narumol Pongprasert

Ph.D. (Development Administration) North Chiang Mai University (2013). Currently Lecturer at Psychology Department, Faculty of Humanities and Communication Arts, Payap University.

Koongarnok Maneewong

M.S. (Psychology) Chiang Mai University (1993). Currently Lecturer at Psychology Department,
Faculty of Humanities and Communication Arts, Payap University.


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