Social Media Influencing Decision-Making Process of Second-Hand Car Purchase in Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province

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Taneeporn Chaisuk
Nattakirt Hengtragoon


Social Media Influencing Decision-Making Process of Second-Hand Car Purchase in Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province. The objectives of this study were to examine demographic data of consumers and to investigate media exposure and perception influencing decision-making process of second-hand car purchase among consumers in Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province. This quantitative study recruited 400 participants for data collection who are second-hand car consumers in Mueang District. The data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, Chi-Square test, independent t-test and One-way ANOVA. The results showed that:

The media exposure for second-hand car through social media indicated that the samples exposed and used Google search at the highest level. The social media showed strong influence on decision-making of second-hand car at the high level. The samples searched for second-hand car from the social media channel of car dealers or car owners at the highest level. The reasons underlying exposure and perception of social media were convenience, all-time accessibility and ease of searching. The samples paid an interest on media exposure regarding to car brand, car time usage, car quality at the highest level. Their social behaviors online were looking for new data about the interested second-hand car.

The analysis of media perception on second-hand car indicated that (1) Needs aspect showing the highest ranking was various channels of social media accessibility about
second-hand car; (2) Value aspect showing the highest ranking was various price ranges of second-hand car in social media suitable for its brand and type; (3) Convenience aspect showing the highest ranking was convenient and ease accessibility of second-hand data via social media; and (4) Communication aspect showing the highest ranking was clear, precise, attractive, modern, ease of access and indulging sales promotional activity of second-hand car in social media.

The analysis of media exposure and perception of second-hand car through social media influencing decision-making process contributed to the conclusion that: (1) Problems and Needs: Consumers wanted to buy second-hand car for their career purpose; (2) Information Seeking: Consumers preferred social media to other platforms; (3) Evaluation of Alternatives: Consumers prioritized alternatives based on their own needs; (4) Buying Decision: Consumers trusted their own decision on buying; (5) Post-buying Behaviors: Consumers chose to contact the original buying source for problems about car after buying.

The hypothesis testing revealed that media exposure and perception on second-hand car through social media, types of social media for exposure and perception, types of social media for searching second-hand car, influence of social media, and second-hand car data frequently exposed and perceived through social media showed the relationship with decision-making process of consumers in Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province at the significance level of .05.

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Research Article
Author Biographies

Taneeporn Chaisuk, Bangkok University

*M.B.A. Candidate  (Business Administration). Chiang Rai Rajabhat University (2022)

Nattakirt Hengtragoon

**M.B.A. (Marketing Business Administration), Dhurakij Pundit University. (1992). Currently Associate Professor of Faculty of Management Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.


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