Rebranding and Consumer Response on Brand Image of Chatramue and Srichand

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Worawee Chimplee
Terapatt Vannaruemol


The aims of this study “Rebranding and Consumer Response on Brand Image of Chatramue and Srichand” were 1) to study rebranding of Cha Tra Mue and Srichand 2) to study brand response and consumption behavior of Cha Tra Mue and Srichand. The research methodology was divided in two parts which were 1) qualitative research by literature review to study Cha Tra Mue and Srichand rebranding 2) quantitative research by survey research using questionnaire to collect Cha Tra Mue and Srichand’s customer data.

According to the qualitative research, the goal of Cha Tra Mue’s rebranding was creating new brand image awareness and getting more closer to customer. There were four parts of rebranding process 1) organizing exhibition desk to provide tasting, the beginning of the
Cha Tra Mue’s brand revitalization 2) expanding new channels both delivery channel including GrabFood, Foodpanda, LineMan and shopee channel 3) launching new menus for each seasoning and new product on a regular basis to keep the brand image and allow customers to see the brand's evolution over time 4) packaging redesign, a crucial strategy to improve the brand image.

Srichand rebranding communicated under the concept of “Quality is the real image”. The aim was being Thai product which make proud potential to Thai people and held in their hearts. As a result, this vision has been passed down to the organization's employees in order to expand it to the regional level.

The qualitative study indicated that This research aimed to study the relationship between consumer behavioral responses, image perception, and attitude responses to
Cha Tra Mue products. The response of consumer behavior in terms of reasons for consumption, frequency of consumption, and time of consumption, which was related to the perception of
Cha Tra Mue’s brand image, was statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The consumer behavior response in terms of their recommendation to their close people, consumer motivation, frequency of consumption, and the reason for consumption was correlated to the Cha Tra Mue brand image's attitude response, statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

The relationship between consumer behavioral responses, image perception, and attitude responses to Srichand products was also studied. The response of consumer behavior in terms of reasons for consumption, frequency of consumption, and time of consumption, which was related to the perception of Srichand’s brand image, was statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The consumer behavior response in terms of their recommendation to their close people, consumer motivation, frequency of consumption, and the reason for consumption was correlated to the Srichand brand image's attitude response, statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

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Research Article
Author Biographies

Worawee Chimplee, -

M.A.  (Communication Studies), Faculty of Mass Communication, Chiang Mai University, (2021)

Terapatt Vannaruemol

M.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication), Abilene Christian University USA., (1986). Currently Dean and Associate Professor of Faculty of Mass Communication Chiang Mai University.


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