The Behavior of Using the LINE Application and the Literacy of Fake News Media Among the Elderly in Chiang Mai Area Media literacy

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Anyamanee Pakdeemualchon


The aims of this research are: 1) to study the behavior of using the LINE application among the elderly in Chiang Mai 2) to study the knowledge level of fake news among the elderly in Chiang Mai 3) to study and compare demographic characteristics media exposure behavior and literacy of fake news among the elderly in Chiang Mai 4) to study the relationship between media usage behavior and knowledge of fake news among the elderly in Chiang Mai 5) to study the factors affecting the level of knowledge of fake news among the elderly, and 6) to disseminate information from research on fake news literacy to disseminate to the elderly in Chiang Mai. This research is a pilot sample for the elderly to use the LINE application knowingly.
The researcher conducts this research using Mixed Method through survey research. There was a sample group of 400 elderly people, an in-depth interview, 9 elderly people aged 60 years and over. The sample consisted of 400 elderly people, collecting data using questionnaires.
In addition, the researcher used an in-depth interview with nine elderly people, who are aged
60 years and over.

The results of the study showed that 1) the elderly had behaviors of daily exposure to LINE applications. There are 1-2 hours of use per day. Most used via mobile phone using LINE application for more than 6 years. And most of the samples had a high level of satisfaction with using the LINE application. 2) The elderly had a high level of fake news literacy. 3) The demographic characteristics of the elderly had different media exposure and fake news literacy behaviors. 4) The demographic characteristics of the elderly and the behavior of using the LINE application were positively correlated with the elderly's knowledge of fake news. The elderly who are highly exposed to the LINE application will have a lot of fake news literacy. 5) Gender, age, income, frequency of media exposure, length of media exposure, and experience of media exposure affect the elderly's literacy of fake news.

Article Details

Research Article
Author Biography

Anyamanee Pakdeemualchon , -

D.Com.Arts. (Communication Arts), Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, (2020). Currently a Lecturer in Communication Arts, Faculty of Management Science, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University.


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