Marketing Communication Strategies of Soy Milk Mixed with Tofu FongFong

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Bussayanun kaewjam
Buppa Lapawattanaphun


This study aims to study marketing communication strategies of soymilkwith tofu skin brand, Fong Fong. There are a managing director and those whose work relates to marketing communication strategies directly. The study found that Fong creating brand preference and sales promotion are Fong Fong’s marketing communication strategies. They created their brand preference by advertising, direct marketing. Besides, they promote their sales through Omnichannel to stimulate sales. Giving an interesting interview or being a lecturer in instructions, seminars is another way to create brand awareness. The facilitating purchase has been stimulated in a form of service which are hypermarket, supermarket, convenience store, and natural and healthy product store. This service includes delivery service and ordering system via online platforms such as Shopee. Moreover, this brand also provide order and delivery service from the factory directly to customers. Fong Fong has stimulated customer engagement by sharing pictures, messages, and videos in social media like Facebook page and other online platform;thus, the customers can approach them easily.

Fong Fong brand has 6 marketing communication strategies. 1) Situation analysis 2) Defining target audiences 3) Determining brand objectives 4) Determining marketing communication tools 5) Determining budgets and timing 6) Evaluation.

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Research Article
Author Biographies

Bussayanun kaewjam, -

M.Com.Arts  (Marketing Communication). University of the thai Chamber of Commerce (2021),  Temporary employee  Procurement Division , Digital Government Development Agency (Public Organization)

Buppa Lapawattanaphun, School of Communication Arts, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

Ph.D. (Mass Communication), Thammasat University. (2012). Currently Assistant Professor of  School of Communication Arts, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.


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