The Study of Attitude of the Consumers in Generation Z Towards Native Advertisement Content on the Facebook Fanpage Pi Ed Jed Wi

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Chonnikarn Seritanondh
Pinnachan Dangulavanich
Parichart Wongweeranonchai
Chanon Sirithorn


The current research aims to study the knowledge attitude and intended behavior of the consumers in generation Z towards native advertisement content on the Facebook Fanpage Pi Ed Jed Wi, which is the only influencer in Thailand that stated to produce and publish only sponsored content. The research was conducted with 15 university students, who are generation Z consumers, using the open-ended questions in-depth interview method. 

The research found that (1) the studied generation Z consumers knew and understood that the contents on Facebook Fanpage Pi Ed Jed Wi were native advertisements, (2) most of the generation Z consumers had a positive attitude towards the content publicized on the Facebook Fanpage, and (3) some of the generation Z consumers showed the intention to purchase the products advertised in the content while some of them did not even want to share the content.

Likewise, it could be said that the native advertisement may affect the knowledge and attitude of the receivers, but it may not lead to intended behavior towards the senders of the message, both the influencer and the advertised brand. This is according to other factors affecting the receivers in the decision-making process such as the socio-economic condition, the sale promotions, or other marketing activities.

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Research Article
Author Biographies

Chonnikarn Seritanondh, -

Ph.D. (Communication Arts and Innovation), National Institute of Development Administration (2018), Currently is Lecturer, School of Communication Arts, Assumption University

Pinnachan Dangulavanich

Ph.D. (Communication and Innovation), National Institute of Development Administration (2023).  Currently is Lecturer, Institute of International Studies, Ramkhamhaeng University (IIS-RU)

Parichart Wongweeranonchai

Ph.D. (Communication Arts and Innovation), National Institute of Development Administration (2016), Currently is Assistant Professor, School of Communication Arts, Assumption University.


Chanon Sirithorn

Ph.D. (Communication Arts), Chulalongkorn University (2019), Currently is Lecturer, School of Communication Arts, Assumption University.


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