The Analysis of Representative Images of Lanna Women in Northern Thai - Themed Period TV Dramas

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Vatcharavee Chaiyayon


The purpose of this research is to study the representation of Lanna women on period dramas set in Northern Thailand. The 3 selected dramas were broadcast on 3HD television channel from January 2010 to January 2020. Its qualitative research methodology Textual Analysis. The study found that Lanna women on those 3 dramas were represented by the image of being mothers, wives and daughters emerging from family institution. Most of the women were expected to support their spouse to success and to take care of every single issue in their house. Thus, propagation any intellectual ideology to younger generation has been fallen on women. Being mother and wives simultaneously represented the women on some of the dramas. The representation involves construction the women’s image my mixing some elements of current culture into the traditional one. The representation, therefore, had more impacts on awareness and feeling of audience since it merely reflected them. It also prompted audience to question within themselves where it is appropriate to follow the representation and what they would do when facing the same experience. Lastly, the representation of the women reflects some issues in current situation due to some unchanging values remaining until these days.

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Research Article
Author Biography

Vatcharavee Chaiyayon, -Chulalongkorn University

*M.Com.Arts  (Marketing Communication). School of Communication Arts, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (2021), Currently a Project Coordinator at Institute for Good Governance Promotion.


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