วิวัฒนาการและการเปรียบเทียบการสื่อสารแบบบอกต่อจากอดีตสู่ปัจจุบัน และการนำไปใช้ประโยชน์ Word-of-Mouth Communication from Past to the Current: Evolution, Comparison and Utilization

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Anyamanee Pakdeemualchon
Sudarat Saengkaew


This article aims to study the evolution of word-of-mouth communication, comparison of traditional word-of-mouth and electronic word-of-mouth including explaining the phenomenon of using the word-of-mouth communication in business, community, politics, and administration. Such that, this paper presents the evolution of word-of-mouth in 3 eras: 1) The era of organic influence, which word-of-mouth communication is a source of information that influences consumers 2) The era of linear marketer influence in which marketers use opinion leaders passing the message to target customers and 3) The era of network influence where internet technology has been developed a new communication channel as well as tools, guidelines and conceptual frameworks to measure the efficiency of electronic word-of-mouth. Therefore, in order to clearly distinguish between traditional word-of-mouth and electronic word-of-mouth, we compare in terms of speed of information distribution, communication method, measuring of the quantity and evaluating the credibility of the messenger. With respect to the use in business communications, it has been found that word-of-mouth is often focused on consumer-driven purchasing decisions, The usage of word-of-mouth communication in the community, found the used to convey wisdom and cultural continuation, local heritage and learning creation for people lead to the sustainable development of the community. As for the application in politics, it was found that traditional word-of-mouth was still a better strategy of political parties to meet and talk to the people than spreading information through the media. Furthermore, the use of management found that businesses adopt a word-of-mouth strategy to manage the interaction between an organization and customer in the situation for correcting the mistake in the purchasing of goods and services.

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Academic Article
Author Biographies

Anyamanee Pakdeemualchon, -

D.Com.Arts (Communication Arts), Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, (2021). Currently a lecturer in Communication Arts, Faculty of Management Science, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University.

Sudarat Saengkaew

Ph.D. (Business Administration), Meajo University. (2018). Lecturer in Business Computer, Faculty of Management Science, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University.


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