Factors that Cause the Elderly to be Deceived through Online Communication Channels "Facebook"

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Anyamanee Pakdeemualchon
Komsan Rattanasimakul


This research focuses on the factors that cause the elderly to be deceived through online communication channels. "Facebook" with qualitative research methodology from document analysis Cases involving elderly people reporting and being deceived through Facebook A total of 25 cases were studied between July 2020 and July 2021 and 4 groups of elderly people in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai provinces, each group of 10 people, including 40 elderly people.

The results of the research were as follows: Regarding the factors that cause the elders to be deceived, the results showed that there are 5 important factors: Internal factors that cause the elderly to be deceived There are 2 factors: 1) The elderly people need love and warmth then being tricked into marrying, 2) the elderly people are easy to trust. They trust and think that they are close friends who come to borrow money (They do not have media literacy. There are
3 external factors: 1) The elders want financial stability after retirement / life security needs, 2) the elderly want to buy products/services online at low prices, and 3) The elders want to earn more/find a job through online media.

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Research Article
Author Biographies

Anyamanee Pakdeemualchon, -

D.C.A. (Communication Arts), Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, (2020). Currently a lecturer in Communication Arts Faculty of Management Science Chiang Mai Rajabhat University.

Komsan Rattanasimakul

Ph.D. (Communication Arts), Chulalongkorn University, (2006). Currently a Associate Professor in Communication Arts Major Digital Media, The Faculty of Management Science Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.


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