TikTok and the Construction of Reality for Self Identity in the Digital Age

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Kritsana Sangchan
Katekanok Chumpradit


                   The construction of social reality is a communication theory that focuses on studying the role of mass media in communicating stories until the receiver believes them and perceives them as true, even though the actual truth may be unknown. This study was conducted in collaboration with the digital platform TikTok, which is a growing platform that captivates today's audience. The receiver transforms into the messenger and fulfills their duty by using such media to create truth for society.

                   Through the study and analysis, it was discovered that the TikTok platform shapes reality in society through the identities of messengers in various forms: (1) as entertainers or creators of entertainment, (2) as knowledgeable individuals, experts, or "gurus," (3) as creative thinkers, and (4) as online product sellers with unique styles and identities. Each construction employs different strategies, utilizing the tools of the TikTok platform such as filters to enhance appearances, adding text and graphic stickers, incorporating music or background music, and engaging in live broadcasts.

                   However, the construction of reality by the messenger for self-identity may not always accurately reflect the messenger or TikToker's true identity. The behaviors, roles, and expressions observed may only represent a world of meaning that the receiver has interpreted or believed based on what the TikToker communicated.

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