Developing a Marketing Model for Rebranding Suan Ban Kaew Palace, Chanthaburi

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Bavonsan Chiadamrong
Muanfun Kongsomsawaeng
Chotika Lila
Ornsiri Panich
Voravit Patanaittikul


                The research project titled "Developing a Marketing Model for Rebranding Suan Ban Kaew Palace" aims to (1) analyze the perceptions of Generation Z travelers regarding the marketing mix factors of services at Suan Ban Kaew Palace in Chanthaburi Province, (2)

analyze the expectations of Generation Z travelers regarding the 7Ps marketing mix factors of services at Suan Ban Kaew Palace in Chanthaburi Province, and (3) synthesize and create a marketing model for rebranding Suan Ban Kaew Palace. To achieve these objectives, a qualitative research methodology was employed, utilizing observation, documentary research, interviews, and focus group discussions to collect data from various sources. These sources included 50 Generation Z travelers with direct and indirect experience at Suan Ban Kaew Palace and 15 staff members of Suan Ban Kaew Palace, as well as print and web-based materials and object-based data sources. The data collection period was from July 2021 to March 2022, spanning 9 months.

Preliminary findings related to the perceptions and expectations of Generation Z travelers regarding the marketing mix factors at Suan Ban Kaew Palace will be used as input for brainstorming sessions with experts and stakeholders involved in the rebranding of Suan Ban Kaew Palace, such as external marketing experts, palace officials, community culture and development officers, and other relevant groups. Finally, the conclusions from the brainstorming sessions will be analyzed using grounded theory methodology to create a marketing model for rebranding Suan Ban Kaew Palace.

The research findings indicate that the marketing mix factors to be considered in rebranding Suan Ban Kaew Palace include 7 factors: (1) Paradigm Factor: shifting from an extreme conservative paradigm to a contemporary conservative paradigm, (2) Management Factor: transitioning from government administration to a social enterprise model, (3) Market Segmentation Factor: expanding the market segment to include Generation Z travelers, particularly targeting students of Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University, (4) Product Line Factor:

diversifying other services and digital asset products from Suan Ban Kaew Palace's capital, (5) Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Factor: implementing integrated marketing communication across all offline and online channels to create touchpoints along the Generation Z travelers' journey, (6) Digital Lifestyle Factor: developing the "Suan Ban Kaew Lifestyle" on a mobile application, and (7) Research and Development Factor: evaluating business trends and traveler behaviors.

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