Naïve Art Communication Guideline to Enhance Meditation of The Person Preparing to be Quality Elders
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The objectives of this qualitative research were: 1. to create a Naïve art communication guideline to enhance meditation of the person preparing to be quality elders, and 2. to create a handbook for enhancing meditation through the practice of a Naïve art. The researcher used document analysis methods. There were 6 key informants involved in Naïve art activity and in-depth interview. Including using the I FLOW headband brain wave measuring device that processes meaning together with the IFLOW S application with 6 other key informants while doing an activity to prove increased meditation when doing a Naïve art activity. As for the activity handbook, has developed from a Naïve art activity and a sample activity handbook was drafted. Then brainstorm with stakeholders of the person preparing to be quality elders, 7 people to find appropriate formats and content. Then take the activity handbook to an open forum to listen to opinions from stakeholders of the person preparing to be quality elders, 60 people to summarize the activity handbook. Also, bringing the complete activity handbook to activities with the person preparing to be quality elders and elders to iterate information. Including publishing in various forms through social media and printed media. The research results found that a Naïve art communication guideline to enhance meditation of the person preparing to be quality elders requires action that must consider communication elements, including the sender, message, channel (activity media, personal media), receiver, and other factors from stakeholders that facilitate the success of a Naïve art to enhance meditation of the person preparing to be quality elders. A Naïve art activity helps to enhance meditation at the khanika samadhi level or momentary concentration. The activity handbook, it should contain a format and content that is appropriate for the main target group, that is, the person preparing to be quality elders. The activity handbook should have the general structure of the book. It is not too informal in appearance, A4 size, uses a font of letter that has looped, easy-to-read, big size, and uses Arabic numerals. As for the content, there must not be much message content (no more than 25 pages). Illustrations are used, emphasizing photographs taken during a Naïve art activity and photographs of a Naïve art work. Including the proposal to use orange as the main color. The activity handbook, it can also be applied to other target groups, such as ADHD children, other vulnerable groups or target groups that are difficult to control.
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