The Implication of Body Image in Body Sacrifice by Hai Nan

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Hai Nan’s Body Sacrifice is a book of body sacrifices, which records the various age imprints of “their” bodies. In the war era, under the name of “the country”, the real body of comfort women and the end of their life were restored in Hainan’s works: it was a body with flesh and blood, cries and pain, fantasies and disillusionment. The body is closely connected with the life path of comfort women. It is the medium of comfort women’s voice, and also to let us see how the comfort women’s body expresses its tenacious vitality to the world from hiding to exposure in the cultural and political environment at that time, and shows the diversified living space of women. By using close reading method, this paper interprets the body image implication in Hai Nan’s Body Sacrifice through body’s fate, body’s suffering and body’s fairyland.

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