To Analysis the Causes of Juvenile Crime In The Gone Child of Zi Jinchen

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Ying Jin
Kanokporn Numtong


The Gone Child was one of the socialist detective novel which completed by Zijin Chen in 2013 and published by Hunan Literature & Art Publishing House Co., Ltd. in 2014. The novel tells the story of three children who accidentally photographed an accident which is Zhang Dongsheng’s parents-in-law fell off a cliff while playing, but it is Zhang Dongsheng’s deliberate murder in fact. Then a series of stories staggered by various characters in the book. This research used literature survey method, historical research method, etc. to obtain relevant data and information, read and analyze the causes of juvenile crimes in the novel, and then used literature analysis method to comb and integrate the collected literature data. Firstly, to sort out the characteristics of the three teenager protagonists in The Gone Child—Zhu Chaoyang, Ding Hao (Haozi), and Xia Yuepu (Pupu), as well as their criminal process and criminal psychology which are described by the author Zijin Chen. And then further analyzed the causes of the crimes in family, society and education of them which is also shown the important influence of these aspects by the author. Finally analyzed and summarized the author’s hopes, how to create a better teenager growth environment,  so as to prevent and reduce juvenile crime, promote the harmonious development of family, school and society, and also put forward some effective measures to reduce and prevent juvenile crimes.

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国家统计局报告:中国未成年人犯罪比重持续降低, 来源:

中国新闻网, 2019年12月06日 15:42

中国教育概况——2019年全国教育事业发展情况, 7.html 2020-08-31来源:教育部.
