Malaysian Chinese Tourists’ Images of and Attitude towards Songkhla at Affiliated Website, Tripadvisor from 2018 to 2020 ภาพลักษณ์สงขลาในทัศนะของนักท่องเที่ยวชาวจีนมาเลเซียผ่านสื่อออนไลน์ Tripadvisor เว็บไซต์พาร์ทเนอร์ ปี ค.ศ. 2018-2020

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Nititaya Soontornthamniti


The present study aims to reveal Malaysian Chinese tourists’ images of and attitude towards Songkhla. The data were comments written in Chinese by Malaysian Chinese tourists at affiliated website, Tripadvisor from 2018 to 2020. Tripadvisor is the website name which appears when typing the keywords “宋卡景点 (Songkhla tourist attractions)” therein. The researcher conducted in-depth analysis on the comments regarding Songkhla first 15 popular attractions ranked on the website. Six aspects were found in relation to the Malaysian Chinese tourists’ images of and attitude towards Songkhla. First is interesting tourist attractions. Second is modernity and completeness of the attractions. Third is accessibility of the areas and locations. Fourth is varieties of products and food. Next is affordability. The last is service and communication. Based on these findings, practical suggestions are provided to improve the tourism sectors in Songkhla. The images show that aspects 3-6 are the aspects that need to be developed in the future. Moreover, from the data analysis, the study has suggested the guidelines and possible opportunities that help to develop the tourism in the future. There are the development of tourist attractions information, service and management, such as planning and providing Chinese information of attractions, that could help the tourists to know the correct information. And also the transfer service to a variety of attractions could help the tourists to visit the attractions outside the city easily.


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