The “Chin‐Ho” merchants in trader on the Southern Silk Road Between Lan Na and Yunnan During the 14th-17th century พ่อค้าจีนฮ่อในการค้าบนเส้นทางสายไหมตอนใต้ระหว่างล้านนาและยูนนาน ช่วงคริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 14-16
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There is a long history of trade between Lan Na and Yunnan along the Southern Silk Road. The “Chin-Ho” merchants have always played a very important role in this trade process and have been the most dominant group of merchants. The purpose of this paper is to study the characteristics of “Chin-Ho” in the trade between Lan Na and Yunnan along the Southern Silk Road from the 14th to the 17th century. The author finds that (1) “Chin-Ho” were mainly Hui ethnic, (2) they relied on trade caravans, and (3) they mainly used mules and horses as means of transport. “Chin-Ho” with the above characteristics also played an important role in the trade between Lan Na and Yunnan along the Southern Silk Road. They not only contributed to the diversification of goods and the economic development of the two regions, but also served as a link between Yunnan and Lan Na and other regions along the Southern Silk Road. The long-distance trade of the “Chin-Ho” not only connected Yunnan with Lan Na, but also connected the two regions with the mainland trade routes.
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