Factors Analysis of the Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction on Accommodation Alternatives


  • Noppamash Suvachart Business Administration and Accounting Faculty, Khon Kaen University


Factor analysis, Selection, Service marketing, Customer, Satisfaction


This study aimed to determine the factors contributing to customers’ decision in choosing an alternative accommodation. A questionnaire survey was carried out among randomly selected Thais aged 18 – 51 who have leisure traveling experience. A total of 520 questionnaires were distributed on May-June 2016. Out of the total sample of 520, only 488 completed responses were valid (with a response rate of about 93.8%). An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to identify selection factors adopted by Thais when they chose the alternative accommodation. The major findings revealed five factors in choosing an accommodation which were: (1) security, (2) recreational facilities, (3) local landscape, (4) availability of special services, and (5) nice host. Finally, the marketing implications and some suggestions were presented.


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How to Cite

Suvachart, N. (2017). Factors Analysis of the Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction on Accommodation Alternatives. RMUTT GLOBAL BUSINESS ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE REVIEW, 1(2), 1–18. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/GBAFR/article/view/252423



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