TRI2, IoT, the Internet of ThingsAbstract
This article presents an exploration of the various factors, such as readiness, attitude and subjective norm, affecting the use of the Internet of Things (IoT). The sample of this study was 39 respondents with knowledge of the Internet of Things. The study used mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, regression equation analysis, and path analysis as statistics tools for data analysis. The result showed that the attitude (AB) toward using Internet of Things and subjective norm in Internet of Things of the respondents were at a high level. The respondents’ technology readiness was at a moderate level. The intention of using the Internet of things was at a high level. According to regression analysis, the factors that influenced the behavior intentions (BI) to use the Internet of Things were subjective norm (SN) and technology readiness index 2.0 (TRI2). The multiple linear regression equation was BI = .731SN + .239TRI2. Since there was a correlation among BI, SN, AB, and CON, a contributor group of TRI2; the path analysis was conducted. After model fitting, the causal model statistics were: = 2.246, degree of freedom = 2, p = .323,
/df = 1.123, RMR = .030, and Goodness of Fit Index = 97.2. There were two equations from fitted model which were BI =.453 CON + .515 SN and CON = .703 AB.
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