Consumer Behavior, Thai Millennials, E-Commerce, Online ShoppingAbstract
Online shopping has gained popularity in various types of products. The main attraction for consumers to shop online is convenience. Consumers nowadays can save time and enjoy the ease of shopping over the internet for a wide variety of items instead of going to a conventional store. However, consumer electronics are perceived as expensive products and many customers need to experience it before purchase. Moreover, there are other factors such as perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived privacy and security of transactions, need for touch, electronic word of mouth which influence the purchase intention.
The purpose of this study aimed to explore consumer behavior of Thai millennials towards buying consumer electronics online. The study was conducted on 200 Thai millennials, aged between 23 and 38 years old. The data were collected through an online questionnaire and analyzed by quantitative statistical methods. Independent sample T-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple linear regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that there were different perception towards online purchase intention among consumers who have different gender and monthly income. Nevertheless, consumers with different age and educational level have indifferent opinion towards online purchase intention. Significantly, the study also found that consumer behavior in terms of perceived usefulness, perceived privacy and security of transaction, need for touch, and electronic word of mouth influenced online purchase intention at the statistically significant level as of 0.05.
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