The comparison of the study achievement by using the lesson program with the descriptive teaching in the subject of K 33102, Basic Mathematics 6 in the topic of Calculus of students in M.6, Phuttha Chinnarat Phittaya School, Muang District, Phitsanulok Province


  • ่Jintara Chuchuay


The program lesson, The study achievement


This research has the objective for developing the effective lesson program according to the 70/70 criteria and there is finding the effectiveness index of the lesson program for comparing the study achievement of students in M. 6 who have received the teaching by using the lesson program in the topic of Calculus with the descriptive teaching and for studying the satisfactory of students who have received the teaching by using the lesson program in the subject of Kor33102, Basic Mathematics 6 in the topic of Calculus. The target group will be 40 students in M. 6/1, 2nd Semester, Academic Year of 2019, Phuttha Chinnarat Phittaya School, Muang District, Phitsanulok Province. Using tools will be the program lesson, the learning activity setting plan program, the learning activity setting plan, the descriptive form, the study achievement measurement test and the measurement test for the satisfactory on the study, the analysis of the information by using the percentage, the average, Standard Deviation. The research result is found that; 1) There is lesson program in the subject of Kor33102, Basic Mathematics 6 in the topic of Calculus. There is the achievement value that is equal to 76.36/74.25. There is the effectiveness index value which is equal to 0.6856. This has shown that students who have studied the program lesson, they will have more study achievement by 68.56%. 2) For the study achievement of students who have studied by the lesson program, students will have the study achievement higher than students who have studied in the descriptive teaching. 3) Students have the overall satisfactory in the study with the lesson program in the highest level.


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